Asheville, NC Based
Holistic Energy and Sound Facilitator

Forrest Mystery in Sequoia1


“Forrest is the “healers’ healer!” He assists all into new levels of expansion, peace & understanding. A truly beautiful being, with a very high vibration of empowered love and wisdom.”

-Tracey Forest, Director Spirit Hollow, VT


A powerful draw to spiritual and metaphysical studies led Forrest into meditation and yoga as a late teenager and then on into many explorations of consciousness, heart and spirit.  This includes graduate studies in clinical psychology, personal growth and human potential, creative dance and movement, musical improvisation, energetic healing modalities and Qi Gong. These many pathways have resulted in a deepening and ever expanding understanding of the SOUL’s identity and purpose and in answering the questions of “WHO am I and WHY am I here?” As an ever-evolving student enrolled in the university of life, Forrest has combined his curiosity, sensitive heart, keen mentality and imagination as tools for continued personal and spiritual growth.  In this process he has also been gifted with a capacity to see into a person’s Soul essence and to assist each individual in deepening his or her conscious connection to their Soul source. This capacity is readily brought into the SOUL SOURCE Healing Energetics process. 

As a lifelong musician, Forrest has had the opportunity to explore and experience sound and tRedwood Sunlight he rhythm of life from a variety of perspectives.  This has provided a place of reflection on the progress of his personal and spiritual growth, as well as a source of great joy and inspiration. Music and sound combined with a listening heart are major aspects of how Forrest attunes to his environments, both physical and spiritual. Through the years he has developed an improvisational style in musical creation, readily and tangibly bringing forth Spirit from the heart. This allows drawing upon his ever growing and expanding understanding of creation and, within this, clarity about each individual’s opportunity and destiny to be a conscious co-creator.  A great affinity and love of Nature and much direct experience in the co-creative aspects of planetary healing with Nature and Spirit as a source of ever present intelligence, balance and harmony contributes greatly in his applying this intelligence, balance and harmony in the SOUL SOURCE wholeness work.

After living for over twenty years in the natural and pure environment of Vermont, Forrest followed his Soul’s yearnings and in 1999, moved to Asheville, North Carolina where he now resides. Here, much to his Soul’s satisfaction, he is both contributing to and drawinDolphins & Orbsg upon this creative, diverse, metaphysical and spiritual community. Peru, Bolivia, China, Ireland, Southwest England, Wales, Palenque-Mayan Mexico, France, Germany, the island of Bimini, the dolphin bays of Hawaii, the Southwest, Northwest and Northeast United States and Canada are among the many places he has journeyed in spiritual and work related travels. For the past several years in the fall, he returns for a personal spiritual retreat of inspiration and quiet reflection high upon Mt. Shasta in northern California, the birthplace of SOUL SOURCE.

 Mt Shasta  Heart Stone -

Forrest Green – Holistic Energy and Sound Facilitator

Forrest Green… Founder of SOUL SOURCE, an avenue for personal/spiritual counseling and life transformation through
Energy, Light and Sound.  A Spirit inspired, heart based, master improvisational musician and sound/energy facilitator aligned in a
Nature/Spirit Wholeness, Balance & Harmony context.
Forrest has three CD’s of original music:
JOURNEYS in the KEY of SOUL, SOUNDSCAPES of the SOUL and just released SPIRIT of MYSTERY

Forrest is certified in Advanced Holistic Energy Healing with a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology (humanistic orientation
focusing on personal growth/human potential) along with many studies in working with energy, intuition and Spirit.  With over 28
years experience as a consultant/facilitator/counselor/presenter in a wide variety of environments including business, government,
education, mental health, and spiritual/shamanic settings/conferences/centers he offers an abundance of knowledge, insight,
creativity, and love into his work.   He has been a presenter and board member for the Enchanted Forest Intuitive Camp in Asheville,
NC (Profound Awareness Alliance) for intuitive and psychic children and their parents, using the medium of movement, music and
art.  He is deeply connected to the joyful, expansive world of dolphins and draws upon this as a parallel in working with the
awakened and awakening children and adults of today.